Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Christian Studies, B.A.

College of Christian Studies Mission Statement

The mission of the College of Christian Studies is to equip a new generation of God-called men and women to change the world through transformative Kingdom service.

The College of Christian Studies offers an array of undergraduate programs in biblical studies, theology and ministry studies, as well as graduate study in ministry through the David T. Clamp Graduate School of Christian Ministry. Students in the College of Christian Studies are encouraged to blend their academic study with practical experience in the church or other settings for ministry service. Thus, the programs of the College of Christian Studies seek to be both solidly biblical and intensely practical.

Students may specialize their undergraduate degrees through concentrations. These concentrations include Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Theology and Philosophy, Media Ministry, Missions, Pastoral Ministry, Preaching, Women’s Ministry, and Youth Ministry. Concentration credit hours typically replace some of the Christian Studies elective credit hours.

Curriculum Summary: B.A. in Christian Studies

University Core Requirements

41 Cr. Hrs.

Major Core Requirements

49 Cr. Hrs.

General Electives

32 Cr. Hrs.


122 Cr. Hrs.

Exit exam. All Christian Studies students must take the College of Christian Studies exit exam as a graduation requirement. This is a comprehensive exam covering the content of the core courses within the College of Christian Studies. The exam is taken as part of the Senior Thesis (CHR 492) course.

Courses for the B.A. in Christian Studies: Students working towards a B.A. in Christian Studies will take the following core courses common to all CCS majors and concentrations: CHR 109 - Introduction to the New Testament; CHR 120 - Foundations for Ministry; CHR 205 - Hermeneutics; CHR 240 - Systematic Theology; CHR 250 - Introduction to Ministry; CHR 335 - History of Christianity; CHR 353 - Leadership in Ministry; CHR 365 - Evangelism and Church Health; CHR 492 (a one-hour class taken in conjunction with a 300- or 400-level Christian Studies course during the student’s senior year); and CHR 494 - Internship; as well as CHR 312 - Introduction to Biblical Hebrew or CHR 328 - Introduction to Biblical Greek. Students also take three hours of biblical studies electives, three hours of Christian ministry electives, three hours of Christian theology electives, and nine hours of Christian studies electives. Each course is 3 credit hours, except for the 1 hour Senior Thesis course. Students take CHR 107 - Introduction to the Old Testament (in place of CHR 105) as a CORE foundations course (part of the university Core curriculum). Students also take CHR 341 - Christian Ethics or CHR 357 - Christian Apologetics (in place of CHR 305) as a CORE foundations course (part of the university Core curriculum).

The Fast Track B.A. + M.Div.

This option allows students to take up to 30 hours of master’s-level biblical, theological, and ministry courses as an undergraduate student, and then, upon graduation, apply these courses toward the Advanced-Standing Master of Divinity degree (see the Graduate Catalog) in the Clamp Divinity School at Anderson University. These master’s-level courses also count towards the BA degree requirements in Christian Studies. Although the student is still considered an undergraduate student, these courses include masters-level requirements.

After completing 45 credit hours, a Christian Studies student who has earned a minimum overall 3.0 GPA or a 3.3 GPA in Christian Studies courses can apply for the Fast Track Program. Applications will include a recommendation from a pastor at the church they attend. Upon completion of 60 credit hours, a student may begin taking masters-level courses. This program is fully accredited through SACS.

Degree Requirements (122 Cr. Hrs.)

University Core Requirements (41 Cr. Hrs.)

University Core Curriculum (Traditional)   Specified Course Requirements: Core Foundations:  CHR 107 (In place of CHR 105) Christian Worldview: CHR 341 or CHR 357 (In place of CHR 305)

General Electives (32 Cr. Hrs.)

Suggested Eight Semester Sequence

Sixth Semester (15 Cr. Hrs.)

Seventh Semester (15 Cr. Hrs.)

Eighth Semester (15 Cr. Hrs.)