Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

University Policies

Access to Services for Persons with Limited Proficiency in English 

It is the policy of Anderson University to provide services to all who enroll or work for the institution, and also to the general public. The University acknowledges that due to the diverse nature of the populations it serves, on occasion individuals who lack proficiency in English may seek access to services provided by the institution. Such individuals may include applicants for admission; family members seeking advice and information regarding potential, ongoing and former enrollment; and students and families seeking information and services regarding financial aid and student accounts including billing statements. 

The University will assist individuals who lack basic proficiency in English and who need special language assistance in order to conduct transactions. University staff or faculty members who are contacted by individuals lacking English proficiency will notify the Office of Human Resources of the need for translation services. When possible a member of the University’s faculty or staff will assist in providing translation services. Otherwise the Office of Human Resources will seek external assistance from individuals who have fluency in the language understood by the individuals who lack basic proficiency in English. All translation services will be provided in as prompt and timely a time frame as feasible. 


Alcohol and Drugs Standards of Conduct Policy  

Anderson University is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, lawful, and productive study and work environment for all employees and students. 

Students enrolled in the undergraduate traditional programs of the University are required to refrain from the possession and/or use of alcohol during the academic year or while participating in University sponsored activities regardless of the time of year. 

The University further prohibits all students from being under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs on University property or as part of any University activities, and students are prohibited from using illegal drugs, whether on or off campus, in compliance with state and federal law. 

The possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs by students on University property or as part of any University activities is prohibited. Use or distribution of prescription drugs without a prescription is also prohibited. 

Any student who hosts events off-campus where alcohol and/or illegal drugs are present or who permits such an event to be hosted at their residence, and any student who violates South Carolina law that prohibits providing alcohol to one under the age of 21, shall be subject to discipline. The University will impose disciplinary sanctions on students who violate this policy up to and including expulsion and referral for prosecution by law enforcement authorities. A disciplinary sanction may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program.

Information on Use/Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Controlled Substances 

Effects of Alcohol 

Surveys of university students indicate that the drug of choice is alcohol. Student problems associated with alcohol use are many and have an adverse effect on the educational process. 

These problems include physical injuries, loss of personal relationships, unwanted/regretted sex, vandalism, poor grades, alcoholism and disciplinary problems. 

Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident. Low to moderate doses of alcohol also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including spouse and child abuse. 

Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person’s ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce the effects just described. 

Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver. 

Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental retardation. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater risk than other youngsters of becoming  alcoholics. (Taken from: Federal Register. Vol. 55, No. 159. Thursday, August 16, 1990: Rules and Regulations.

Effects of Tobacco Products 

Tobacco products are harmful to individuals when smoked, inhaled or used orally. Tobacco  contains over 4,000 different gases, particles and compounds including tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. Tobacco smoke “tar” is composed of several thousand chemicals that can damage lung  tissue and cause several diseases.  

Nicotine is found only in tobacco. It acts as a mild stimulant to the central nervous system and is what causes the addiction to tobacco products. Carbon monoxide, which makes up about 4 percent of tobacco smoke, impairs the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood to the body’s tissues, literally driving the oxygen out of the red blood cells. At the same time nicotine is causing the heart to work harder, it is depriving the heart of the extra oxygen it needs. Carbon monoxide also promotes cholesterol deposits in arteries, impairs vision and judgment, and reduces attentiveness to sound. 

Smoking is the single largest preventable cause of premature death and disability in the United States and is related to 480,000 deaths each year. Statistics indicate that smokers die younger than nonsmokers. Smoking is one of the major risk factors in heart attacks. The use of tobacco has been implicated in cancers of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, cervix, uterus and bladder. Smoking accounts for approximately 30 percent of all cancer deaths, as a major cause of heart disease, and is linked to colds, gastric ulcers, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. The American Cancer Society estimates that smoking cigarettes accounts for 87 percent of lung cancer cases among males and 70 percent among females. The effects of other drugs on the body are discussed on the chart on the following pages. 

Information about the South Carolina Law 

Regarding Alcohol 
Underage Purchase/Possession Of Alcohol (63-19-2440)

 It is unlawful to purchase or possess beer, wine or liquor if you are under the age of 21. Penalty: A fine of not less than $100 nor more than $200 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days.

Altered Identification or False Information With Intent To Purchase Alcohol (63-19-2450)

 It is unlawful to LIE or GIVE false information concerning age in order to purchase beer, wine or liquor.

 It is unlawful to POSSESS an altered or invalid driver’s license.

 It is unlawful to ALTER a driver’s license

 It is unlawful to SELL or issue a false driver’s license

 It is unlawful to LEND or use someone else’s driver’s license. (Applies to the lender)

 It is unlawful to USE someone else’s driver’s license. (Applies to the user)

Penalty: The unlawful use of altered and/or providing false information ranges from $100 up to $2500 and/or 30 days in jail up to 6 months in jail. Alcohol violations also have the potential of suspending an individual’s driver’s license as well as requiring specialized insurance policies.

Note: The above criminal charges can be issued independently of one another. As a result, multiple charges can be made against the individual using and/or the individual providing false information.

 Selling, Giving or Providing Alcohol To Minors (61-4-50)

It is unlawful to GIVE beer, wine or liquor to anyone who is under the age of 21. Penalty: A fine of not more than $200 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days.

It is unlawful to SELL beer, wine or liquor to anyone who is under the age of 21. Penalty: A fine of not less than $5000, imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both.

 Open Container Laws (61-4-110)

It is unlawful to have an open container of beer, wine or liquor in a moving vehicle of any kind, except the trunk or luggage compartment. Penalty: A fine of not more than $100 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days.

It is unlawful to have an open container of liquor ANYWHERE except in a private residence, hotel or motel room, licensed mini-bottle establishment, the luggage compartment of a vehicle or a legally constituted private gathering. Penalty: A fine of not more than $100 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days.

 Public Disorderly Conduct (16-17-530)

It is unlawful for person to be found on any highway or at any public place or public gathering in a grossly intoxicated condition or otherwise conducting himself in a disorderly or boisterous manner, (b) use obscene or profane language on any highway or at any public place or gathering or in hearing distance of any schoolhouse or church or (c) while under the influence or feigning to be under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Penalty: A fine of not more than $100 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days.

Driving Under The Influence (56-5-2930)

It is unlawful for a person to drive under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or other drugs, with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of 0.08% or more. It is unlawful for anyone under the age of 21, to drive a vehicle with a 0.02% blood alcohol content (BAC).

First offense: a fine of $400 or imprisonment for not less than 48 hours nor more than 30 days; driver’s license is suspended for 6 months.

Second offense: a fine of not less than $2100 nor more than $5100 and imprisonment for not less than 120 hours nor more than 1 year; driver’s license suspended for 1 year.

Third offense: a fine of not less than $3800 nor more than $6300 and imprisonment for not less than 60 days nor more than 3 years; driver’s license is suspended for 2 years.

Note: At the judge’s discretion, an ignition interlock device, which attaches to your vehicle’s ignition system to test your BAC before you start the car may be required.

Note: An individual’s driver’s license is often suspended for alcohol violations, especially for a DUI. Furthermore, an individual’s driver’s license is suspended for 6 months if they refuse a breathalyzer test, this is known as implied consent. (56-5-2950).

Felony DUI (56-5-2933) (56-5-2940)

It is unlawful for a person to drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol to the extent that the person’s faculties to drive are materially and appreciably impaired. If you are convicted of causing great bodily injury or death while driving under the influence (felony DUI), you face:

A mandatory fine of $5,100 to $10,100 ($21,119.50 with assessments and surcharges) and imprisonment from 30 days to 15 years when great bodily injury occurs.

A mandatory fine of $10,100 to $25,100 ($52,244.50 with assessments and surcharges) and imprisonment from one to 25 years when death occurs.

Tobacco-Free Campus  

Anderson University is a tobacco-free campus, meaning that all tobacco products as well as smokeless electronic cigarettes and other similar devices are not to be used on University property. The use of tobacco and related products is also prohibited at Anderson University sponsored off-campus events. 

Students are responsible for their own behavior and that of their guests and are expected to comply with the University policy regarding smoking and tobacco use. Because the campus is located in a residential area in which Anderson University seeks to be a good neighbor, use of tobacco and related products is also prohibited on private properties and public areas adjacent to the campus. Non-compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary actions.

Information on Use/Abuse Controlled Substances 

A partial list of South Carolina controlled substance laws follows: 

Simple Possession Of Marijuana (44-53-370(d)(4))

 It is unlawful for a person to be in possession of 1 ounce or less of marijuana.

 First offense: not more than 30 days or not less than $100 nor more than $200.

 Second and subsequent offenses: not more than 1 year and/or $200 to $1000

Possession Of Amphetamines or Cocaine Base (44-53-375A)

 It is unlawful for a person to be in possession of amphetamines or cocaine

 First offense: fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than 3 years, or both.

 Second offense: fine of not more than $7,500 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both.

 Third or subsequent offense: fine of not more than $12,500 or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both.

Manufacturing And Trafficking Methamphetamine Or Cocaine Base (44-53-375)

It is unlawful for a person to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, purchase, or otherwise aid, abet, attempt, or conspire to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or purchase, or possess with intent to distribute, dispense, or deliver methamphetamine or cocaine base, in violation of the provisions of Section 44-53-370, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction:

First offense: fine of not more than $25,000 or imprisonment for not more than 15 years, or both.

Second offense, or if the offender has been convicted of 1 or more offense relating to narcotic drugs: fine of not more than $50,000 or imprisonment for not less than 5 years nor more than 30 years, or both.

Third or subsequent offense, or if the offender has been convicted of 2 or more offenses relating to narcotic drugs: fine of not more than $50,000 dollars or imprisonment for not less than 15 years nor more than 30 years, or both.

Distribution Of Controlled Substances Within Proximity Of School (44-53-445)

It is unlawful for a person to distribute, sell, purchase, manufacture, or unlawfully possess with intent to distribute a controlled substance, if the offense occurred within a one-half mile radius of the grounds of a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school; a public playground or park; a public vocational or trade school or technical educational center; or a public or private college or university.

Penalty: Fine not to exceed $10,000, or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. When the violation involves the distribution, sale, manufacture, or possession with intent to distribute crack cocaine -Fine not to exceed $10,000 and imprisonment for not less than 10 years nor more than 15 years. When the violation involves only the purchase of a controlled substance, including crack cocaine-Fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.



1st offense - fine of not more than $25,000 or imprisonment for not more than 15 years, or both.

2nd offense, or if the offender has been convicted of 1 or more offense relating to narcotic drugs - fine of not more than $50,000 or imprisonment for not less than 5 years nor more than 30 years, or both.

3rd or subsequent offense, or if the offender has been convicted of 2 or more offenses relating to narcotic drugs - fine of not more than $50,000 dollars or imprisonment for not less than 15 years nor more than 30 years, or both.



1st offense - fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than 3 years, or both.

2nd offense - fine of not more than $7,500 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both.

3rd or subsequent offense - fine of not more than $12,500 or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both.



1st offense - fine not less than $100 nor more than $200 or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days.

2nd or subsequent offense - fine not less than $200 nor more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.


(A) It is a separate criminal offense for a person to distribute, sell, purchase, manufacture, or to unlawfully possess with intent to distribute, a controlled substance while in, on, or within a one-half mile radius of the grounds of a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school; a public playground or park; a public vocational or trade school or technical educational center; or a public or private college or university.

Please contact the Anderson University Campus Safety Department for further information concerning controlled substances. Please note that penalties are subject to change by state and federal guidelines. 


Resources and Student/Employee Assistance  

Anderson University is a community, and all members of the community are responsible for maintaining order and discipline on the University campus. The Student Development Division serves the primary role of coordination and implementation of Anderson University’s substance abuse policy for students. The division’s position emphasizes the early identification and the intervention into substance use problems experienced by persons. Anderson University offers support to students and staff members thru the following services:


The Thrive Wellness Centers provides current information on the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Programs are provided on topics of health care throughout the year. The Director of Health Services is available for consultation with any person. 

Information is made available through brochures, journals, books, posters and newsletters to faculty/staff and students. High traffic areas of the campus will be provided with handout materials related to substance use and its consequences. 


Educational experiences are offered by key areas within the University. These experiences include: 

• Alcohol Awareness Week - one to two-week emphasis each semester with the focus on substance abuse. Offerings to the general campus population and special groups.

• Presentation of videos, films, and invited speakers on issues of substance use and abuse. These will be provided each semester for students and periodically at faculty and staff meetings. 


University counselors may provide counseling or make referrals when appropriate. The University also has a CLGse affiliation with the Anderson/Oconee Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, where persons may be referred for assessment and/or treatment. We also have an agreement with the Vocational Rehabilitation of South Carolina Office to refer individuals for counseling and assistance. Students referred to counseling due to drug/alcohol violations must pay for the costs of counseling materials. 



Counseling Center 864-622-6078 

Anderson University Thrive Wellness Center 864-622-6078 

Anderson University Campus Safety 864-231-2060 

Anderson-Oconee Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission 864-260-4168

S.C. Vocational Rehabilitation Office 864-224-6391  


Employee Notification of Drug-Related Convictions

In accordance with the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and as a condition of employment with Anderson University, all employees, including student workers, will:

  1. Abide by the terms of this policy; and 

  2. Notify, as appropriate, their supervisor, administrator, dean, vice president, or a responsible University official of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace, NO LATER THAN FIVE DAYS after such a conviction. If a federal grant is involved, the Office of Financial Aid must be notified immediately. Failure to make such notification within the five day time limit may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 

Within thirty calendar days of receipt of notice of such conviction, the responsible University official, in coordination with the University President, must take appropriate personnel action regarding the employee, up to and including immediate termination; or, require the employee at his/her own expense to participate successfully, and provide evidence of such participation, in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program, provided for such purposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency.

A student who receives a federal Pell grant, and who is convicted of a criminal drug offense that occurred during the period of enrollment covered by the grant, must report the conviction in writing to: Director, Grants and Contracts Service, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Room 3124, GSA Regional Service Building No. 3, Washington, D.C. 20202-4571. This report must be made within ten calendar days of the conviction. Failure to report such a conviction may subject the student to suspension or termination of the Pell grant, and ineligibility for other types of federal financial assistance. All relevant employee and student publications will contain a statement of the University’s Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Note: a “legal drug” is a prescribed drug or over-the-counter drug which has been legally obtained and is being legally used for the purpose of which it was prescribed or manufactured. An “illegal drug” is any drug or controlled substance, including alcohol, not legally obtainable or possessed, or is legally obtainable but not legally obtained, possessed, or used.

The University recognizes that alcoholism and drug dependency are “illnesses” and “disorders,” and the University will provide information to any employee or student seeking assistance. Employees and students will not be discriminated against because they responsibly seek help with their illnesses or disorders, but the institution will have “zero tolerance” for users and abusers who do not responsibly seek and utilize counseling and treatment services. The University will maintain reasonable confidentiality regarding information concerning an employee or student’s diagnosis and treatment, except in cases wherein notification to state and federal authorities is required by law.

The University has established a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program for students and employees. The Senior Vice President for Student Development has been designated as the University official primarily responsible for the University’s program and for compliance with all drug and alcohol laws applicable to the University, including but not limited to The Drug-Free Schools and Community Act. Students and employees shall receive materials annually that contain standards of conduct regarding alcohol and drugs, a description of the various laws that apply in Anderson and at Anderson University, a description of the various health risks of drug and alcohol abuse, a description of counseling and treatment programs that are available, and a statement on the sanctions the University can impose for a violation of the standards of conduct. The University will conduct a biennial review of the program. A copy of that review and other compliance documents will be maintained for three years after the fiscal year in which the record was created.

Appropriate Dress  

As a Christ-centered campus we want to uphold behavioral and dress standards that reflect our unique learning community.  Modesty and care for one another should be the primary guiding principle for our dress choices.
Your location on campus and the activities in which you are participating will impact the appropriateness of how you dress.  For instance, what is appropriate for an athletic event or informal activities in the residence hall may not be appropriate for Campus Worship, the Culinary Center, or the classroom.
Choices in dress and definitions of modesty can differ among community members.  Due to that, a few guidelines are provided below:
In general, attire that is overly revealing or immodest and clothing with advertisements or language that violate or encourage violating University values are not permitted.
Dress in classrooms, the Culinary Center, University buildings, and Campus Worship should reflect the public nature of those settings where faculty, staff, and guests are often present.
In public areas, tops (including shirts, tops of dresses, etc.) should be worn at all times.  Tops should not reveal the torso in any way, including bare midriff, chest, cleavage, sides of the torso or chest, and the mid- or lower back.
Bottoms, including pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, etc., should be modest and should fully cover an individual’s back end and undergarments.  Overly short and/or revealing shorts are inappropriate for men and women.
Swimwear should be worn only at the Athletic Campus pool or at the College Parke pool.  Appropriate swimwear includes shorts for men (no Speedo type swimsuits). Women may choose one-piece bathing suits or two-piece suits that provide equal coverage (no bikinis).
We understand that dress choices are personal, as are ideas of what is appropriate clothing.  For the sake of our campus community and for our educational purpose, we ask that you keep modesty as a primary focus and that you adhere to these guidelines.
If you have questions about what may be appropriate, please talk with an RD, RA, or other Student Development staff member.
Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a student being asked to change or to leave an event.  Repeated non-compliance will result in a disciplinary response.

Change of Address Policy 

It is the student’s responsibility to inform the University of address changes. The University will not be responsible for mail communication that is not received or returned due to an out-of-date address. All address/name/phone number changes must be submitted within Workday.  If access to Workday is not available, a Change of Name/Address form is available online at or in Anderson Central. These forms may be emailed or mailed to Anderson Central.

Consumer Information 

Anderson University is committed to the principle of promoting access to information that allows consumers such as students, parents, researchers, and legislators to make informed decisions about post-secondary education. Consumer information includes information about the institution, its academic programs and facilities, financial aid availability, completion and graduation rates for students and student athletes, athletic program participation rates and financial support, annual safety and fire security reporting, and more. All Anderson University consumer information disclosures can be accessed online at

Disclosure of Directory/Public Information 

As a student of Anderson University and by attending University events, students grant permission for Anderson University to use your likeness in photographs, videos, recordings, or other digital media (‘media’) in any and all of its publications or marketing materials, including web-based publications without payment or other consideration. Further, all forms for media will become the property of Anderson University and will not be returned. Anderson University has the right to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute this media for any lawful purpose. Students waive the right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of photos or other forms of media. If student chooses not to give consent and opt out, the student must contact Anderson University’s Marketing department at to notify Anderson University of the request and provide an up to date photo to ensure that wishes are met.

Certain items are considered to be public information and may be released by the University without written consent unless the University is instructed to withhold such information from the public. Items of public information are student name, address, campus email address, telephone number, dates of attendance, enrollment status, current registration hours, classification (freshman, etc.), program (major and minor fields of study), degrees and awards received, anticipated degrees and anticipated graduation date, previous educational institutions attended, recognition’s, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of varsity athletes, photographic, video, or electronic images of students taken in association with university activities or on campus and maintained by the university.

Drone Use on Campus 

For reasons of safety and privacy, Anderson University prohibits launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft of any form or kind, on or over the University’s campus without written permission from the Campus Safety Office. This prohibition applies to students, employees, and guests. Any violation of this policy will result in the confiscation of the device and may result in other sanctions or criminal prosecution. 

Expectations for Students who Represent the University during Academic Breaks

Any Anderson University student who is serving in a role representing the University, participating in a University sponsored activity, and/or resides in University housing, regardless of the time of year must abide by the Student Conduct and Expectations section of the Student Handbook through the calendar date of their role. Some examples of groups that fall into this category include but are not limited to student employees, summer housing students, base camp guides, resident advisors, athletes, etc.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 

As a Title IV Federal funds-granting institution, Anderson University is required to comply with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This policy outlines the FERPA rights of eligible students. 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a post-secondary institution.) These rights include: 

o The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day Anderson University receives a request for access. A student should submit to the University Registrar a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The University Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University Registrar, the student will be advised of the correct university official to whom the request should be addressed. 

o The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. 

A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record should write the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. 

If the University decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. 

o The right to provide written consent before Anderson University discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. 

o The University discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by Anderson University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the Board of Trust; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of Anderson University who performs an institutional service of function for which the University would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the University with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for Anderson University. 

o Anderson University may disclose PII from the education records without obtaining prior written consent of the student: 

o To authorized representatives of the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such as a State post-secondary authority that is responsible for supervising the University’s State- supported  education programs. Disclosures under this provision may be made in connection with an audit or evaluation of Federal-or State-supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with the Federal legal requirements that related to those programs. These entities may make further disclosures of PII to outside entities that are designated by them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit, evaluation or enforcement or compliance activity on their behalf. 

o In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. 

o To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school, in order to: (1) develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c) improve instruction. 

o To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. 

o To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes. 

o To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. 

o To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency. 

o Information the school has designated as “directory information.” 

o To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a nonforcible sex offense. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the finding. 

o To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding if the school determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against him or her. 

o To parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the school, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the school determines the student committed a disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21. 

o The disclosure concerns sex offenders and other individuals required to register under section 17010 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

If you believe that your FERPA rights have been violated please file a complaint with the Office of the Registrar which will investigate the claim.

Contact: Office of the Registrar


You also have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Anderson University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 


Graduate Students Participating in Undergraduate Programs

Students registered for graduate programs who participate in undergraduate programs such as varsity sports, or who reside in University housing, are subject to all policies found in the undergraduate student handbook.


Good Samaritan Policy 

In crisis situations where a student becomes incapacitated by the overuse of alcohol and/or drugs and where medical attention is necessary for the individual’s safety, Anderson University strongly encourages fellow students and/or bystanders to take responsible action by calling emergency personnel at 911 and Campus Safety (231.2060). 

When authorities are called in such circumstances, no formal University disciplinary actions or sanctions will be assigned to the reporting student(s) or the affected individual. If the incident occurs on-campus, Residence Life personnel will be included in the response and the Student Development deans will be notified. The incident will still be documented, and educational and/or health interventions may be required as a condition of deferring disciplinary sanctions. This policy is not intended to protect repeated, flagrant, or serious violations of Anderson University policies, nor does this policy preclude or prevent action by police or legal authorities. 


Information Technology Policy 

Anderson University provides access to various forms of electronic communications and information technology systems and equipment including computers, internet, voicemail, and email to its students and employees (defined as full or part-time faculty or staff) who comply with the Electronic Communications Systems and Equipment Use Policy. Such access is available only to eligible students and employees and may be revoked at any time. In general, Anderson University’s electronic communications and information technology systems and equipment are intended for the sole purpose of supporting the educational, management, and operational needs of the University. All computers, terminals, hardware and software are the property of the University. Students and employees should have no expectation of privacy regarding files and data residing on their assigned computer discs, computer system, email or other electronic communication systems or equipment. The University reserves the right to monitor any electronic communications and information technology systems and equipment, including computer activity or electronic mail, to assure that the systems are being used for appropriate and legitimate purposes. Anderson University reserves the right to inspect the computer files of any computer terminal at any time, with or without notice, at its sole discretion. Only authorized software is permitted on the University’s computers. Individuals should be aware that passwords do not indicate any right of privacy and Anderson University is entitled to monitor or inspect computer, telephone, pda files, or other components of its electronic communication systems or equipment any time, with or without notice. This policy may be amended or revised periodically as the need arises. 

Inappropriate Uses of Internet Access 

There are numerous appropriate uses of the internet: email, bulletin boards, access of information on the web, etc. The University encourages the educational and appropriate use of these resources. All uses of the internet resources should be consistent with the University’s stated mission, Christian values and wholesome campus culture, and policies as put forth in the University Catalog and other University publications. All users of Anderson University computing resources are expected to abide by the following guidelines: 


a. Users are to refrain from disclosing their access codes/passwords to anyone and will be responsible for any use of those accounts by others to whom access has been given. It is recommended that users change their passwords periodically to prevent unauthorized use of their accounts. 

b. Individuals are to send email only from their personal email address. 

c. Users should be advised that undeliverable email will be delivered to the Postmaster at the Information Systems Office, and misdirected email can be read by unintended recipients. 

d. Please pay close attention to addressees, to ensure that only appropriate recipients will receive emails. When replying to an email, only use the ‘Reply All’ feature when absolutely necessary. 

e. The visiting of pornographic sites and any sites of an immoral or obscene nature is prohibited. Also, the illegal downloading of music and/or literary material is prohibited. 

f. Please be cautious of visiting internet sites that can cause virus attacks on personal computers that are connected to the University network. Also be cautious of opening email from unknown senders, especially if they contain an attachment. Such emails could be carrying a damaging virus. 

Commercial Use 

Since Anderson University is defined as an educational rather than commercial site on the internet, the Office of Information Technology reserves the right to restrict accounts or individual web pages which are used for commercial purposes. Approval must be granted from the Office of Information Technology for commercial purposes. Approvals may be revoked at any time by the University. 

Illegal Use 

Users are prohibited from any use of electronic communication and computing resources that violates Federal, South Carolina, or any other law. 

Harassing and/or Obscene Material and Internal SPAM 

a. Internet users at Anderson University are prohibited from displaying or distributing material (text, audio, or video) which is obscene, harassing, discriminatory, libelous, or deemed otherwise threatening or offensive, or which is in any way inconsistent with Anderson University’s stated mission and values. Displaying or distributing such information will be considered a violation of the University’s policies, which prohibit the distribution of obscene materials and harassment. 

b. Users are prohibited from sending information via email that is obscene or harassing as defined by Anderson University’s stated mission and values. 

c. Users are to refrain from making public to Anderson University users any obscene materials or direct links to other locations on the internet through the internet, or any other related systems. 

d. Users are to refrain from sending multi-recipient emails that are unnecessary. Email groups that contain a large number of addresses will only be used by authorized personnel. 

e. Users are prohibited from sending campus-wide emails that express personal opinion or are of a political or otherwise inappropriate nature. 

f. The obscenity standards are as follows: 

1. Materials in which a reasonable person, applying contemporary Anderson University community standards, when considering the contents as a whole, would conclude that they appeal to prurient sexual/physical interests or violently subordinating behavior rather than an intellectual or communicative purpose; or 

2. Materials that, taking into regard their content and their particular usage or application, lack any redeeming religious, literary, scientific, political, artistic, or social value. 

Internet-Based Social Networking Sites 

Anderson University strongly encourages the use of restraint and good judgment by its students when participating in social media. If a student does participate in this type of communication, the University encourages him/her to exercise good judgment in posting any information, as these sites can be viewed by anyone and may by used by viewers for unintended purposes. Students are reminded that potential employers are increasingly searching these sites in making hiring decisions. Students who post information and/or photographs on such sites that are inconsistent with the policies and Christian values of the University or damaging to the reputation of the University (including but not limited to obscene material, foul language, harassing statements, sexually suggestive language or photographs, or statements that defame the University) may be subject to discipline by the University, including but not limited to probation, monetary and service fines, loss of institutionally funded scholarships, suspension, or expulsion, or in the case of employment, termination. This holds true even if the student or employee did not use University computers or systems to create the posted information. 

Political Material 

While Anderson University encourages civic engagement and appropriate involvement in the political processes of government, computers, email and the University’s website may not be used for the promotion of political candidates or partisan causes. To do so may subject the student to discipline by the University, including but not limited to warnings, directives to remove inappropriate content, demotion, or termination of employment. 

Users are prohibited from performing any act that will impair the operation of any facet of the computing resources of the University or the resources of any recipient of the information. Such acts include knowingly injecting computer viruses and sending excessively large mailings, large print jobs, batch programs, ‘junk mail’ (including chain letters), etc. Those who use computing resources for recreational, entertainment, personal and extracurricular work are to yield to those who have academic related need for computing resources or facilities. Examples of non-course-related work are playing computer games, printing personal or extracurricular materials (invitations, announcements, resumes, etc.), and chatting to personal friends. In periods of high demand, these uses may be disallowed in public facilities. 

Procedures for Dealing with Violations 

The University reserves the right to suspend/delete content of personal web pages or email on or linked to the University website, on computers, or on the computing system that constitutes a violation of this policy, is in conflict with the University’s stated mission and values, or violates any provision or limitation of the Electronic Communications and Information Technology Systems and Equipment Use Policy. 

Student Violations 

Individuals may report incidents of harassment or obscene material or direct links involving students’ internet use to the Senior Vice President for Student Development, who will review any complaint per established University judicial procedures as outlined in the student handbook. Possible sanctions include but are not limited to the deletion from Anderson University servers’ materials or direct links to other locations on the Internet which are found to be obscene, loss of computer resource privileges, and other sanctions available within the judicial processes, up to and including expulsion. 

Email Privacy 

Electronic mail enables users to place information quickly and directly into another person’s computer where it can be retrieved, read, revised, stored indefinitely, downloaded, or responded to immediately. Email has made employment and academic activities of the University more efficient by enabling us to make better use of our time and by reducing paperwork. However, there is a deceptive aura of privacy that surrounds email that can mislead persons to believe that private, hostile, or unlawful statements can be confidentially communicated through email. In addition, proprietary or potentially embarrassing information can be accidentally or purposely sent within the University and to others outside the University. 

To avoid these problems, remember the following: 

1. Anderson University’s email system exists for use by faculty, staff, and students in carrying out their employment and academic activities. It is not intended for personal use. 

2. Do not disclose your access codes/passwords to anyone. 

3. Send email only from your personal email address. The privacy of e-mail sent or received on University systems and/or equipment cannot be guaranteed. 

4. Prior to sending an email message, ask yourself whether you would feel comfortable if the text of the message were posted on a bulletin board on campus or printed in the newspaper. Would public disclosure cause unnecessary embarrassment or create legal liability for yourself or the University? 

5. There should be no expectation of privacy of email sent or received on University systems and/or equipment. 

6. If the email pertains to a student, it is likely to be an “education record” that the student will have the right to inspect and review. 

7. The use of private “mailboxes” and passwords in an email system does not provide any privacy from people who will see email forwarded, printed out, or left displayed on an unattended computer screen. 

8. Anderson University makes no representations regarding the security of the email system. 

9. If Anderson University is involved in an investigation or litigation, email messages (or other computer content) may be monitored and/or read by the University as part of an investigation, in the discovery process, and may be publicized in a trial.

Effective as of: July 1, 2007 


Missing Student Policy 

Anderson University takes student safety very seriously. To this end, the following policy and procedure have been developed in order to assist in locating Anderson University student(s) living in University-owned, on-campus housing who, based on the facts and circumstances known to the University, are determined to be missing. This policy is in compliance with Section 488 of the Higher Education Act of 2008. Most missing person reports in the university environment result from a student changing his or her routine without informing roommates and/or friends of the change. However, anyone who believes a student to be missing should immediately report this concern to the Campus Safety Office or the Residence Life staff. Every report made to the campus will be followed up with an immediate investigation once a student has been missing for 24 hours. 

Depending on the circumstances presented to University officials, parents of a missing student may be notified. In all cases involving missing students less than 18 years of age and not emancipated, parents or guardians will be notified. In the event that parental notification is necessary, a Student Development staff member will place the call. At the beginning of each academic year, residential students will be asked to provide emergency contact information in the event they are reported missing while enrolled at Anderson University. This confidential emergency information will be kept in the Office of Residence Life and will be updated each semester. It will be utilized only by authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in the furtherance of a missing person investigation. Local law enforcement will be notified that a student is missing even if the student has not registered a contact person. 


Off Campus Residential Policy

Eligible students who live off campus are expected to act responsibly and to avoid conduct that is detrimental to themselves or the University, both on-campus and away from campus. Furthermore, Anderson University students are expected to show respect, concern, and dignity to the members of the community. University policy applies to students enrolled or serving as a representative of Anderson University whether the student resides on or off campus. Specifically, the University’s community standards extend to any conduct that adversely affects the University community, the University’s reputation, and/or the pursuit of its mission and objectives regardless of where an incident occurs.

The University will work with neighbors and City of Anderson Officials to enforce these expectations, including possible disciplinary responses, from the University, to students who are found to be in violation of policies or expectations.

Should a complaint be submitted by a student, faculty, staff or community member regarding a possible conduct concern, the Student Development Office will make contact with the student(s) involved to gather additional information. If it is determined that a violation has occurred, students will be subject to the student conduct process.

Below are several examples of off campus behaviors that are policy violations and will result in disciplinary action. 

  • Any act or behavior that does not align with Anderson University Community Standards.
  • Behavior that violates local, state, and federal laws or ordinances related to disorderly conduct, illegal parking, trespassing and noise.
  • Living with more than four unrelated individuals in the same house or apartment. 
    • Often times students assume they can save money by splitting the rent of an off campus rental house by loading it up with as many students as possible.  However, the City of Anderson has a law that prohibits more than four unrelated persons to occupy the same house or apartment.  This law is in place to prevent landlords and their occupants from turning quiet residential neighborhoods into unintended rental neighborhoods with more people and more cars than permanent residents want.  This also gives Anderson University a bad reputation in our surrounding community and makes residents unnecessarily upset with the University.  Because of increased complaints from local citizens and the associated deterioration of the University’s goodwill in the community, students who live off campus and choose to break this law or fail to disclose to the University that they are sharing a space with more than four individuals, will be subject to the following: 
      • Fines from the City of Anderson
      • Court costs associate with the City of Anderson’s action against you and your landlord
      • Substantial fines to you from Anderson University – the fine will be equal to the cost of housing per semester with transcripts held until the fines are paid
      • Placed on probation by Anderson University and may be required to move back on campus
      • Living more than one semester off campus with more than four individuals may also result in suspension from the University. 
  • Participation in disruptive gatherings
    • The City of Anderson prohibits unreasonably loud noises or disturbances.
  • Behavior that adversely affects the quality of life of neighbors or community members
    • The City of Anderson requires tenants and owners to cut and mow grass on a regular basis.
  • Acts that negatively affect the University community, the University reputation and the mission and objectives of the University
  • Parking in non-designated parking areas such as on lawns
Being a Good Neighbor:

Students who live off campus are expected to be good neighbors and to show hospitality as the Scriptures remind us in Hebrews 13 1-2:

“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

Being a good neighbor means that students will be active and positive participants in their neighborhood.  Below is a list of expectations for all students living off campus.

  • Be sure to introduce yourself to neighbors and exchange contact information
  • Be aware of your neighbor’s routine and realize that their lifestyle is probably different than a college student’s
    • Be mindful of your noise levels, especially in the evening
    • Make sure that your guests leave quietly
    • Respect your neighbor’s property by not walking on their grass
  • Be sure to park in designated parking areas (paved spaces) and do not park on lawns
  • Establish a routine of lawn care and garbage disposal 
  • Keep your front porch or steps clear of trash or items (shoes, towels, athletic equipment, etc.) other than porch specific furniture
  • Be an active participant in neighborhood and community events


Policy for On-Campus Religious Activities and Events at Anderson University 

Anderson University Christian Life Division and Campus Ministries office provides many religious activities and spiritual life programming such as large group worship gatherings, small group Bible studies, community groups, and one on one mentor discipleship. The Christian Life and Campus Ministries programs, gathering, and events are for the purpose of spiritual growth and discipleship for all students. 

Anderson University encourages local churches to host student small groups/discipleship groups at their church campus. Churches are also encouraged to invite Anderson University students to participate in their church fellowships, Bible studies, discipleship groups, and evangelism groups at the local church facilities or in Church member homes. 

Any Bible Study on campus to be held outside of the parameters of AU Campus Ministries must be approved by the office of the Vice President for Christian Life. Any student wishing to sponsor a worship night, small group, or Bible study may only do so within the confines of their residence hall dorm room. Residence hall Bible Studies and/or discipleship small groups must be sponsored by the Residence Director and approved by the Office of the Vice President for Christian Life. 

Anderson University does not permit local congregations to meet in university facilities or classrooms except with the approval of the Vice-President of Christian Life and or the Senior Leadership Team. 

Student gatherings of a spiritual nature (Bible Studies, worship gatherings, or regular meetings) that seek to establish an organized presence on campus will define their intentions in writing and meet with the Vice President for Christian Life or assigned Director of Campus Ministries for confirmation before they are allowed to reserve university campus space, advertise their meetings, or place an event on the campus calendar. 


Possession of Firearms and Other Weapons 

Anderson University is a weapons free campus. For the purposes of this policy, weapons include all firearms (handguns and long guns), a knife with a blade over two inches long, a blackjack, a metal pipe or pole, or any other device or object which may be used to inflict bodily injury of death. This means no employee, visitor, student, or other individual is permitted to carry a gun or weapon on their person, whether they have a concealable weapons permit or not. This policy does not apply to Campus Safety officers or other federal and state law enforcement officers. All students should be aware that South Carolina law declares it a felony for any person to carry or have in their possession a firearm of any kind at a private or public school, college or university. The law applies to all buildings and residence halls at Anderson University and all adjacent areas, including the campus and parking lots. 

Failure to follow this policy may result in discipline and potentially subject you to personal liability.


Powered Vehicles

Powered vehicles of any kind (scooters, skateboards, hover-boards, one wheels, bicycles, etc.) may not be operated on Anderson University sidewalks, walkways, or parking lots.  All powered vehicles must be parked in a bike rack when not in use and walked to public streets or sidewalks that allow use per local laws and ordinances.  Powered vehicles are not allowed inside of any campus buildings except for residence halls .  Powered vehicles may be stored in student rooms or apartments but are not allowed to be ridden or stored in residence hall lobbies, hallways, or stairwells.

Anderson University walkways and sidewalks are those that run through any part of our campus property.  For example, the sidewalk that runs around the perimeter of main campus is considered public, but any sidewalk that runs inside that perimeter is an AU sidewalk.


Residency Requirement

Higher education research indicates that there is a high correlation with living on campus and student success, including retention and graduation (Astin, 1977; Pascarella, Terenzini, Blimbig, 1994; Schuh, 1999).  Therefore, Anderson University requires All students to live on campus for six semesters (typically through Junior year). Seniors may also be required to live on campus at any time and will be notified in the fall of their junior year of this requirement.  

It is the intention of the University to accommodate all juniors in double occupancy (if possible) campus housing space. If the number of available spaces for double occupancy housing for juniors is inadequate for all juniors to live in campus housing, the University will notify juniors in the fall semester of their eligibility to live off-campus.  The number of on campus spaces is limited and priority will be given to students who are required to live on campus.  When all designated senior spaces are filled, students will be put on a waiting list and placed in housing as space becomes available.  It is possible that seniors may not find a place in campus housing and therefore should make plans to secure off campus housing. 

Students who meet one of the following criteria may elect to live off campus prior to fulfilling the six-semester requirement. 

• Married 

• Live locally with a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian 

• 22 years of age prior to the beginning of the academic year. Students who turn 22 during the academic year (fall or spring semester) will not be eligible to live off campus until the following academic year. 

• Transfer student who has attended six (6) semesters of college, excluding dual enrollment during high school 


Student Physical or Mental Health Emergencies 

Anderson University is concerned about the well-being of its students. In order to ensure the well-being of all students and a campus climate that is safe and conducive to the success of all students, the University may impose restrictions or sanctions on a student as the result of a physical or mental health emergency. The process for imposing restrictions for physical or mental health emergencies is described below. As with all university policies, the university will apply this policy in a manner that does not illegally discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age. 

Significant Medical Procedures and Mental Health Hospitalizations 

Students who undergo a surgery, significant medical procedure that requires extended care (e.g., IV treatments, wound dressing) or mental health hospitalization must follow the procedures outlined below prior to returning to their Residence Hall or to the classroom. 

• Medical Procedure/Surgery: Any residential student who has surgery that requires general anesthesia or IV sedation will not be allowed to stay in their residence hall for the first 24 hours after the surgery/procedure and must be in the care of a responsible adult. Residential and nonresidential students must follow the post-procedure/surgery instructions from their physician, including when they may return to their residence hall or classes. If the student requests the assistance of Thrive Wellness Health Services with follow-up care they must provide a written order from the attending physician. Intercollegiate athletes must see their assigned team athletic trainer for needs assessment. 

• Mental Health Hospitalization: Students who undergo hospitalization related to mental illness or a mental health crisis are required to make an appointment with a counselor in Thrive Wellness before returning to class or their residence hall. The Thrive staff will review all discharge paperwork and determine, in an interactive process with the student, whether the student is ready to return to campus life. The Thrive staff will communicate the outcome of the meeting with the Dean of Students or Associate Vice President for Student Development (AVP) when appropriate. 

• To assist the student with their transition back to campus life, a member of the Thrive staff may create a Plan of Care that outlines any required follow-up care and support options within the campus community. 

Responses and Interventions 

The following services are available to assist students who experience physical and mental health incidents. 

• The Center for Student Success will notify a student’s faculty that he or she will be missing class due to a medical concern. In non-emergency incidents, students must contact the Center for Student Success to ask that notification be sent to their faculty. 

• Thrive Wellness is available for both medical and mental health counseling. 

• When necessary, The Center for Student Success will assist with providing accommodations in residence hall rooms and classrooms. 

• Student Development Staff may develop a Student Care Plan to assist the student in making the transition back to campus life. 

Immunization Waiver 

Students who signed an immunization waiver on entry to the university and who are not actively vaccinated will be required to leave campus if a threat of communicable illness related to these immunizations is identified by the Medical Director or the Director of Health Services. Per the waiver that the student signed, the student has agreed to the following: 

• The student will immediately leave the university (courses, residence hall, and participation in any university-related function) if a threat of a communicable illness related to these immunizations is identified by the Medical Director or the Director of Health Services. If the threat of exposure does not resolve in time for the student to resume and complete course work for the semester, the student may either 1) request a Medical Withdrawal; 2) request Incomplete grades if the student meets the criteria and if faculty are in agreement (see Academic Catalog). 

• The student or parent will not hold Anderson University liable for any personal loss (financial, academic credit, etc.) incurred due to the absence sustained while the student is required to be away from the university. Anderson University offers insurance to help mitigate losses due to withdrawal during a semester. 

Emergency Procedures 

If a student requires assistance because of an immediate crisis or life-threatening situation, call 911 and then notify Anderson University Campus Safety office at 864-231-2060. 

Threat to Self or Others 

If a student observes anyone harming, attempting to harm, or stating an intent to harm himself, herself, or another person, the student should report the matter immediately to her or his Residence Director or Resident Advisor, the Residence Life Office, Campus Safety, or Thrive Wellness Center. 

Individual Threat Assessment 

The Dean of Students or Associate Vice President (AVP) for Student Development will assemble the Threat Assessment Team (TAT) to begin an individual threat assessment of a student if there is reason to believe that the student has: 

(a) engaged in or threatened to engage in behavior which creates a direct threat to the health or safety of another person or a high probability of substantial harm to the student himself or herself; (b) contracted a contagious disease or virus which creates a direct threat to the health or safety of another person or a high probability of substantial harm to the student; (c) caused or is likely to cause a substantial disruption in the university’s academic or other programs. 

The Threat Assessment Team will include representatives from Thrive Wellness Center, Student Success, Residence Life, and Campus Safety along with such other persons as the Dean or AVP may select. The assessment will be based upon the student’s conduct, actions, and statements in order to create an individualized and objective assessment of the student’s ability to participate safely in the school’s programs. The team will consult when necessary with external medical or mental health professionals to assist in collecting or interpreting any information. Unless the circumstances make it impractical or impossible, the student will be given notice that a threat assessment is being made and will be given an opportunity to be heard before any adverse action is taken with respect to the student. Any appropriate accommodations or adjustments will be considered. The student will be assigned a staff member who is familiar with the assessment process to explain the process and serve as a resource and advocate. 

The Threat Assessment Team will take action with respect to a particular student only if it is determined that the situation creates a high probability of substantial harm rather than merely a slightly increased, speculative, or remote risk of harm. Action will never be taken on the basis of generalizations or stereotypes about the effects of a particular disability or condition. 

In responding to these situations, The Associate Vice President/Dean of Students, on behalf of the TAT, will notify the student of any restrictions or interventions imposed on the student as a result of the threat assessment, which may include: 

• Notification of the student’s listed emergency contact 

• A required course of medical treatment or mental health counseling 

• Removal from university housing 

• Removal from one or more classes or activities 

• Removal from the campus 

• Other or additional restrictions or precautions as may be appropriate 

Interventions and restrictions imposed on a student under this procedure are not disciplinary in nature and will not be entered into the student’s educational records as arising from disciplinary violations. However, if the student violates any restrictions imposed, the violation may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the student disciplinary process. 

It is the sole responsibility of the student to obtain at his/her expense any services which are necessary as a result of restrictions imposed by the TAT and/or Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or AVP for Student Development, such as alternative lodging or academic tutoring. All alternative lodging arrangements must be approved by the Dean of Students. 

Involuntary leave will be treated as a last resort after discussion of reasonable accommodations, such as a reduced course load, change of campus residence, and/or other options. These options will be identified in consultation with the Director of Counseling and the Director of Accessibility Services. 

Re-engagement Process 

The restrictions or interventions imposed may be removed only with express permission from the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students. Upon the student’s request, the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students will clearly communicate to the student a specific re-engagement process, which may include: 

• Evaluation by a qualified health care professional: If the situation constitutes a medical or psychological emergency, the student may obtain an evaluation from a local emergency room physician. If the student is currently under the care of a qualified health care professional, that person may evaluate the student. If the student is not currently in treatment, he or she will need to contact the qualified health care provider of his/her choice. If the student needs assistance with this process, he or she may contact the Thrive Wellness Center. 

• Communication of evaluation results by the qualified health care professional to the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students: this will require written authorization by the student to the healthcare professional. Evaluation results must substantiate (1) the readiness of the student to return to residential facilities, classes, and/or campus activities, and (2) any recommendations for continuing treatment. For preliminary purposes, the health care professional may communicate this information verbally. However, it is mandatory that written evaluation results are provided promptly. The Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students will consult with the Director of Thrive Health Center (for medical emergencies) or the Director of the Counseling Center (for mental health emergencies) in order to develop a plan for the student’s return to campus. 

• Re-engagement interview with the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students: the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students may ask that this interview take place in conjunction with the Health Services Director [for medical emergencies or Director of the Counseling Center [for mental health emergencies]): the student must schedule an interview with the designated individual during office hours (8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Monday- Friday). If the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students is not available, the student may contact the Dean of Student Success. 

• Coordination of follow-up: the Thrive Wellness Center will assist the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students with the coordination of follow-up services as needed and to insure the success of the student’s plan for re-engagement to campus life and academic endeavors. 

• Communication with professors: It is the student’s responsibility to communicate directly with his or her professors to develop a plan for completing the work that he or she missed while absent from classes. The Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students, Director of Health Services, Director of the Counseling Center, or the Dean of Student Success may provide support documentation to faculty members at the student’s request and with the student’s written permission. 

• After meeting with the student, the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students may formulate a Student Re-engagement Plan that will outline proactive steps that a student may take to avoid future incidents. The Re-engagement Plan may include the following: 

o A commitment to meeting regularly with a counselor or mentor 

o A commitment to remain compliant with all prescribed medications 

o A list of individuals to contact if support is needed 

o A commitment to attend class or tutoring appointments 

o A list of activities that a student can participate in to promote a healthy lifestyle 

o Other individualized steps that the student and staff agree to 

• If it becomes necessary for the student to withdraw from the University, the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students or other Student Development staff will assist the student with her or his withdrawal in keeping with University policy as outlined in the current Academic Catalog and Student Handbook. 

Appeals Process 

A student may appeal the decision of the TAT, Associate Vice President for Student Development, or Dean of Students by making a written appeal to the Senior Vice President for Student Development within three (3) calendar days after the decision. The student may submit medical evaluations, statements, or other pertinent information along with the appeal. The Senior Vice President for Student Development will review any material provided by the student, the individual threat assessment, the decision of the Dean or Associate Vice President, and such other information as he or she may consider appropriate. A decision on the appeal will be made within five (5) business days or as soon thereafter as practical. The student will be notified in writing of the Senior Vice President’s decision, which will be final. Any restrictions, interventions, or sanctions will remain in effect before and during the appeal unless the Senior Vice President determines otherwise. 

Physical or Mental Health Emergency Procedures 

If a student requires assistance because of an immediate crisis or life-threatening situation, the Anderson University Campus Safety office should be notified immediately at 864-231-2060, or you may contact the Anderson Police Department by dialing 911. 

If a student observes anyone harming, attempting to harm, or stating an intent to harm himself, herself, or another person, the student should report the matter immediately to her or his Residence Director or Resident Advisor, the Residence Life Office, Campus Safety, Counseling Center or Thrive Wellness Centers.  

Residence Life  864-622-6011  

Campus Safety  864-231-2060  

Counseling Center  864-622-6078  

Thrive Wellness  864-622-6078  


Social Media Policy 

Social media has become the modern way of expressing an individual’s opinions and thoughts. While individuals generally have the right to express their opinions, the manner and nature in which an opinion is expressed can have significant consequences. Both students and employees are encouraged to review the Core Values of the University. Any posting should uphold the Christian values by which the University stands and be respectful of the dignity and rights and others. We should all lead by example and practice civility towards others. 

Anderson University strongly encourages the use of restraint and good judgment by its employees and students from participating in blogs, websites, and other social media sites and apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. If an employee or student does participate in this type of communication, the University advises him/her to exercise caution and good judgment in posting any information, as these sites can be viewed by anyone and may be used by viewers for unintended purposes. Students and employees are reminded that potential employers increasingly search these sites in the process of vetting people who are applicants for employment. Students or employees who post information and/or photographs on such sites that are inconsistent with the policies and Christian values of the University or damaging to the reputation of the University (including but not limited to obscene material, foul language, inappropriate provocative statements, satirical statements intended to mock or heckle others, harassing statements, bullying of individuals or groups, sexually suggestive language or photographs, trickery, trolling with an inappropriate intent, emotionally charged rants, support of uncivil and/or illegal activities, racism, hatred, or statements that defame the University) may be subject to discipline by the University. For students, this may include but is not limited to probation, monetary and service fines, loss of institutionally funded scholarships, suspension, or expulsion. In the case of employment, disciplinary actions may include but are not limited to warnings, directives to remove inappropriate content, demotion, or termination. This holds true even if the student or employee did not use University computers or systems to create the posted information. 



The University does not encourage or permit solicitation on the campus by individuals or organizations seeking donations or selling items for off-campus groups and fund-raisers. University sponsored organizations must obtain permission from the Director of Student Involvement & New Student Programs for fund-raising projects to be held on campus or off-campus. 


Student Complaint Procedure

For information see content on university website


Student Insurance 

All students are recommended to have health insurance. In some instances, certain students may be required to carry health insurance. The University itself does not offer student insurance nor endorse any particular insurance company. If you have questions about health insurance please contact the Health Center at 864.622.6078. 

Students are also encouraged to purchase renter’s insurance to help in case of accident or theft which leads to loss of personal property. The University is not responsible for damages or loss to student property due to theft, acts of nature, or other events outside the control of the University. 


Theft of Personal Belongings 

Anderson University does not assume any responsibility for theft of a student’s personal belongings. If a theft does occur, students should report the theft to the Campus Safety office. The University encourages students to keep a record of any article that has a serial number. In many instances a parent’s homeowner’s insurance will cover all or part of the replacement of stolen articles. Thefts of items or cash valued in excess of $2,000 is considered grand larceny and a felony, and are automatically reported to the local police for disposition in local courts.


Title IX Policy


Title IX: Policy and Grievance Procedure for Title IX Compliance

Purpose of the Title IX Policy: To eliminate barriers, in accordance with its religious tenets, for members of Anderson University community caused by harassment or discrimination based on sex or gender.  

Discrimination and harassment are antithetical to the values and standards of the Anderson University community; are incompatible with the safe, healthy environment that the AU community expects and deserves; and will not be tolerated. Anderson University is committed to providing programs, activities, and an education and work environment free from sex based discrimination and harassment. Anderson University is also committed to fostering a community that promotes prompt reporting and fair and timely resolution of those behaviors.

The college takes this obligation very seriously and as such has implemented one policy that addresses both sex discrimination and sex-based harassment. The full Policy and Grievance Procedure for Title IX Compliance  can be found on the Anderson University website.

To make a report, file a formal complainant, or for inquiries about Title IX, contact Anderson University’s Title IX Coordinator. 

Anderson University Title IX Coordinator is: 

Robyn H. Sanderson

Title IX Coordinator

Associate Vice President for Student Development & Dean of Student Development

OFFICE: G. Ross Anderson Jr. Student Center, Office 157

MAIL: 316 Boulevard, Anderson, SC 29621

PHONE: 864.231.5514