Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Campus Ministries

Office of Christian Life 

The Office of Christian Life at Anderson University cultivates a growing and enduring faith among students, faculty, and staff through corporate worship, biblical discipleship, and missional living. Dr. Tracy Jessup, Vice President for Christian Life and Senior Minister to the University, oversees the Office of Christian Life and may be contacted at

A faith that is healthy and strong involves both a journey inward and a journey outward. The inward journey often is called discipleship. Jesus said that the greatest command is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 23:37). This implies a relationship with Christ, following him, and allowing his teaching to shape our worldview. This relationship with Christ is cultivated through personal prayer and Bible study, but it also is nurtured in Christian community. Anderson University provides a number of campus ministries and opportunities in which seeds of faith are planted and nurtured in the lives of our students.

  • Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) - BCM at Anderson University encourages Gospel-centered living through active discipleship (one-on-one and group discipleship), genuine community (through weekly BCM community groups) engaging experiences (Thursday night worship and weekend retreats), and faithful evangelism (both on campus and through off-campus ministry and mission opportunities). Staff Contacts: James Hanson (  and Kaitlyn Jenkins ( or @aubcm
  • Women’s and Men’s Ministries - Anderson University’s Women’s and Men’s Ministries seeks to provides a safe, intentional, and encouraging space for students to grow in their relationship with Christ and each other. We do this by providing large-group social gatherings, bible studies, and service events. Additionally, we help facilitate one-on-one and small-group discipleship relationships.

Staff Contacts: Women - Maddy Woodford ( or @auwomensministry

Men - Nate Norwood ( or @aumensministry

  • Pastoral Care - Pastoral Care promotes the holistic well-being, particularly the spiritual well-being, of students, faculty, and staff in their relationship with God and one another. Through compassionate conversations and fervent prayer, our pastoral care team is available to provide confidential support for students, faculty, and staff facing personal, relational, or spiritual challenges.

The journey inward leads to the journey outward, which is connected to the second greatest commandment - “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). Anderson University is committed to offering our students opportunities to share the love of Christ with others and this witness involves what we say (our words) and what we do (our actions).

  • Community Missions - Community Missions at Anderson University exists to provide students with tangible opportunities to love their neighbors, practice local and Kingdom citizenship, and grow in Christ-likeness. AU has relationships with over 25 non-profits and ministries that are committed to serving those in the Anderson community. Contact: Maddy Woodford ( or @aucommunitymissions
  • Mission Trips - Through mission partnerships, Anderson University offers regional, national, and international opportunities for students to serve. These mission opportunities can range from a weekend, one week, one month, to even an entire summer. Contact: James Hanson (
  • AU BCM Go Teams - BCM GO Teams at Anderson University travel and minister in churches throughout the southeast. Each ministry opportunity is unique ranging from one day experiences to a whole weekend. Some churches have our students lead Disciple Now events for youth groups, but they also engage in multi-generational churchwide services. Contact: Mayson Easterling (
  • Partner ministries - Cru (@andersonu_cru), Eternal Tribe (@au_eternatltribe), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (@autrojansfca), International Justice Mission (@andersonijm), Reformed University Fellowship (@ruf_anderson)


On the Journey Together 

The JOURNEY PROGRAM is the AU equivalent of “chapel” at other Christian colleges and universities. Through the Journey Program, we have the opportunity to emphasize our spiritual development as we learn to worship and grow together. Students, faculty and staff are offered a variety of worship services, concerts, conferences, and creative presentations.  


Why do we call it the JOURNEY PROGRAM? 

We feel that students at Anderson University are on a journey of growth in faith and character. Our goal through the Journey Program is for every participant to receive five marks on their journey: 

• Grasp a conviction to the CORE (God’s story of redemption as revealed in The Bible).  

• Grow in the CALL of Christ (Our identity is found in Christ). 

• Confront the CIRCUMSTANCES of life (The past and/or present effects of sin).

• Value a cohesive COMMUNITY (The importance of a local body of believers).

• CARE for the Kingdom of God (May the Kingdom of God come on earth as in Heaven).  


Successful completion of the Journey Program is required for graduation at Anderson University. Students are required to attend a minimum of eight (8) campus worship/Journey events for each semester of full-time enrollment up to eight semesters. Please refer to Co-Curricular Graduation Requirements, for additional information.  

Please remember the following as you enter Campus Worship each Wednesday and/or Friday at 10:10 AM: 

1. No book bags are allowed in campus worship venues. This is for your safety in the event the venue must be exited quickly for an emergency, in keeping with Fire Code regulation. 

2. Please do not bring food or drink into Henderson Auditorium. 

3. We seek to eliminate distractions during worship. Devices such as iPads and smartphones may be used if you are using an online Bible app, but otherwise we ask that you put these away during Campus Worship. 

4. Everyone is required to check in on the iAttended app, scan the QR code as they enter the auditorium, and enter a four-digit code following the Journey Program event. Students who do not register their attendance in these ways will not receive credit. 

The Journey schedule is posted online as part of the Christian Life webpage. Our hope is that you will find Campus Worship a place of community and spiritual growth. If you have any questions or concerns, we are always available to speak with you. You may contact us at concerning credit questions/issues. For questions about the Campus Worship program, contact Dr. Tracy Jessup, Vice President for Christian Life and Senior Minister to the University,

Journey Program attendance is recorded through the iAttended app, which each student will need to download on his/her phone or iPad.The Journey Program is reflected on the official transcript as JP 100 and will have a grade of either CR (credit) or NC (no credit). While this grade does not calculate into the student’s grade point average, the student must complete these requirements in order to graduate.  Part-time students are encouraged but not required to attend the Journey Program.  

Students may check their current Journey Program credits by looking in the iAttended app. 

Students are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of Christian Life if they fall behind on their requirements. Do not wait until the last semester. It is very difficult to meet the requirements at that point. 

JOURNEY EXEMPTIONS: Every student who is enrolled in the Post-Traditional Program is exempt from the Journey Program requirements. Also, student teachers, nursing students enrolled in clinicals, and students who study abroad are exempt for that semester. Students are still required to make up any credits missed during other semesters. Students who are 25 years or older are not required to complete Journey credits beginning with the semester AFTER they turn 25, but are strongly encouraged to participate as part of their educational experience.  

JOURNEY ONLINE: Rare exceptions may be made for students unable to attend Campus Worship in person. These exceptions must be approved ahead of time and registered with the Office of Christian Life at Brashier Glade no later than 30 days after the beginning of the semester. For additional information, contact Ellen Busby in the Office of Christian Life. Please note: Journey Program credits are an academic requirement, off campus employment does not excuse students from this requirement. 

PLEASE NOTE: Journey credits and CEP credits are not the same. The requirements for CEP are calculated differently. Please refer to the respective sections of the Student Handbook for more information.