Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Tuition & Fees

Fall Semester Charges

(Spring Semester 2025 Charges subject to change)

The below costs represent a major part of the actual cost of education:




All Programs

Technology Fee per semester (6 or more credit hours)


All Programs

Technology Fee per semester (less than 6 credit hours)


All Programs

Audit (no credit) Graduate credit hour


College of Education


MEd, MedAS, MS

Tuition per credit hour



Other Fees



Tuition per credit hour


EdD & EdS

Tuition per credit hour



Other Fees


Center for Leadership & Organizations


PhD Ministry Concentration

Tuition per credit hour



Other Fees


PhD Business Concentration

Tuition per credit hour



Other Fees


College of Arts & Sciences



Tuition per credit hour


SC School of the Arts



Tuition per credit hour


College of Business



Tuition per credit hour


College of Health Professions


All Programs

Other Fees


MSN, Certificate

Tuition per credit hour



Other Fees (MSN)



Tuition per credit hour



Other Fees



Tuition per credit hour



Other Fees



Tuition per credit hour


School of Public Service & Administration



Tuition per credit hour


College of Christian Studies



Tuition per credit hour


MMin, MA, MDiv

Tuition per credit hour



Tuition per credit hour



Other Fees


Additional Fees:


Application for Admissions



Application for Admissions Waived for AU Graduates

- - - - -


Diploma re-print fee



Graduation application fee



Returned check fee



Transcript (Official)



Transcript (Unofficial)



Credit by Examination Fee (per credit hour)



Independent Study (per credit hour)






** Does not include DMin nor PhD students


Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of the total costs that a typical student should expect to pay for college for one academic year. COA includes these two types of costs:

  • Direct Costs: These appear on your AU bill. Typical items include tuition, fees, and housing/food expenses (on-campus students only).
  • Indirect Costs: These do not appear on your AU bill. Instead, they are estimates of other costs associated with attending college and should be considered in your overall college budget. Typical items include books, transportation, and personal expenses.

COA sets a limit on the amount of financial aid a student may receive. The total amount of aid received by a student - including scholarships, grants, loans, work-study - cannot exceed COA. To see the COA for AU graduate degree programs, please visit the Consumer Information Disclosures on the AU Home Page (

Explanation of Charges


The tuition charge is the basic cost of the student’s education and covers the cost of instruction, which includes AU-provided text material. These totals do not include supplies outside AU-provided text material, applied music fees, course fees, program fees, special fees, or personal expenses.

Food and Housing for Resident Students

AU does not have graduate housing. If a Graduate Assistant (GA) wishes to live in AU housing, s/he must seek permission from Residence Life and his/her Head Coach. All students living in AU residence halls must select an AU meal plan. GAs will be charged the food and housing rates that are published in the Undergraduate Catalog. GAs are subject to all other resident student policies published in the Undergraduate Catalog or elsewhere.

Technology Fee

This fee is assessed each term to provide students with access to AU technology systems, including (but not limited to) wired and wireless networks, internet access, computer laboratories, printer stations, servers, and storage systems.

Course Fees

While most academic expenses are covered by tuition, some courses have special expenses for supplies, testing, equipment, and/or program costs. The course instructor can explain which expenses are included in the course fee.

Program Fees

Some degree programs implement program fees to spread program expenses more evenly throughout the student’s academic career.

Special Fees

  • The Application Fee covers the clerical costs of processing student applications. This fee is non-refundable and is paid only once at the time of initial application to AU, nor is it paid by students who interrupt their enrollment for any period of time.
  • All undergraduate students pay an Enrollment Confirmation Fee at the beginning of their first semester of enrollment at AU. (This fee may differ for students who enroll in certain Nursing programs.)
  • The Graduation Fee covers diploma and diploma cover costs.
  • The Transcript Fee covers the cost of duplicating and mailing a copy of the student’s official academic record to any person or institution, to which the student requests that the record be sent.
  • AU offers several Study Abroad programs. Students who enroll in these courses pay the course tuition and travel expenses, which are normally included in the program.

Withdrawals, Charges, Refunds

Determining the Withdrawal Date for Students

Determining a student’s withdrawal date is explained in the Academic Policies section of the Catalog. There are three types of withdrawals:

  • Administrative Withdrawal (Faculty Initiated Course Withdrawal)
  • Withdrawal from Courses (Student Initiated)
  • Withdrawing from the University

AU recognizes that certain situations may necessitate withdrawal from AU during an academic term. The process for official withdrawal begins with (1) the Center for Student Success for Traditional students and (2) the Academic Success Advisor for Post Traditional and Graduate students. Students who withdraw from AU may be eligible for a full or partial refund based on the last date of attendance. Please review the Financial Obligation and Refund portions of the Anderson Central section in the Catalog.

Return of Title IV Funds

The return of Title IV funds policy assumes that a student earns federal aid based on the period of time s/he remains enrolled. A student “earns” Title IV funds in direct proportion to the length of time s/he remains enrolled. Unearned Title IV aid is the amount of disbursed Title IV aid that exceeds the amount of Title IV aid earned. Unearned Title IV funds must be returned to the Department of Education, according to the Return of Title IV funds (R2T4) policy.

A student who remains enrolled beyond the 60% point earns all federal aid for that term. No federal Title IV aid will be returned when a student remains enrolled beyond the 60% period. (An example of this calculation is available upon request.) After a student withdraws and the R2T4 calculation is complete, the student will be billed for any amount owed to AU. Payment is expected within 30 days of receipt of the bill.

Funds to be returned to federal programs are allocated in this order:

  • Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans
  • Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
  • Federal TEACH Grant

Return of SC Scholarship Funds

Reduction or return of SC scholarship funds depends upon the timing of the withdrawal date at AU. If SC scholarship funds have been received from the state agency, no reduction or return of these funds will take place upon withdrawal. If the student withdraws prior to the review of full-time enrollment (i.e., verification by the Registrar), then SC scholarship funds will be returned.

Return of Outside Scholarship Funds

Outside Scholarship Funds will not be returned, regardless of the withdrawal date.

Return of Institutional Aid

Institutional aid is considered earned after the financial responsibility date.