Feb 08, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Anderson Central

Anderson Central is located in the Rice Building and is designed to help students meet their educational goals through centralized support, financial assistance, and commitment to service. There are two representatives to assist students with questions involving student records, financial aid, student accounts and collections. Office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 - 5:00 and Friday 8:30 - 4:30.

Anderson Central offers many student services that can be accomplished in one central location:

Anderson Central Services Available:
Bookstore inquiries
Check cashing
Clear holds on accounts
Commuter Meal Plans
Company Reimbursement Procedures / Invoicing
Debit card payments
Financial Aid appointment scheduling
General information
Independent Study payments
Loan checks signed
Meal plan inquiries
Name/Address change forms
Outside scholarship payments and billing
Payments to Student Accounts
Payment plan brochures / information
Refund inquiries
Student account inquiries
1098-T tax information
Purchase additional copies for computer lab printing

Financial Aid Planning Services Available:
Exit interviews for loans
Financial aid counseling appointments
Submit financial aid forms

Student Academic Services Available:
Drop/Add inquiries
Graduation Application inquiries
Transcript Request
Verification of Enrollment Request
Good Student Discount Forms Completed

Debit Card Payments (for meal plans)

A $50 minimum is required to set up a debit card. Debit cards may be requested in Anderson Central by either making a payment or requesting to use existing credit from the student’s account. A debit card may be used for purchases at the following locations on campus: G. Ross Anderson Student Center Dining Hall and Java City (located on ground floor of Thrift Library).

Meal Plan Change Forms

All boarding students are required to have a meal plan and should complete a meal plan form online through their MyHousing account on the Housing page of the Anderson University website prior to the start of the academic year.  If a student neglects to complete the online form, they will be assigned the 15 meals with a $200 debit plan.  Meal plan changes may be made until the third day of classes each semester by completing a meal plan change form online.

Name/Address/Phone Number Changes

Address/Name/Phone number changes can only be processed when received in writing with the student’s signature. A change of address form is available online or in Anderson Central. These forms may be mailed or faxed to Anderson Central.

Student Transcripts

An official transcript is a copy of a student’s entire academic record from Anderson University, bearing the official university seal and stamp. There is a $15.00 fee for each official transcript request. Anderson University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide official transcript ordering via the Web. You may find this link at www.andersonuniversity.edu or www.studentclearinghouse.org. You can order transcripts using any major credit card. The site will walk you through placing an order, including delivery options and fees. Official transcript requests will not be processed if you have a financial hold on your account. We encourage students to print their unofficial transcript through Self-Service.

Bills Online via Student Self-Service Account

No paper bills are mailed! All billing statements are published online and can be found on the students’ Self-Service accounts at the beginning of July for the fall semester and at the beginning of December for spring semester. Students must set up all third-party logins. Parents and guardians can access financial information on Self-Service by selecting the “pay online” option located on Anderson Central’s page at www.andersonuniversity.edu. If you do not plan to attend Anderson University and have already scheduled your classes, please login to Self-Service and drop your classes or email registrar@andersonuniversity.edu so that others may have the option to enroll before classes begin.

Indebtedness Must be Paid

All indebtedness to the university must be paid before students are permitted to enroll for ensuing semesters or a hold on the account will restrict the release of records (transcripts and/or diploma). Unresolved debts will have billing and collection costs added, may be placed with a collection agency and reported to a credit bureau. If your fees increase for any reason after the initial posting of bills, you must login to Self-Service to view any charges that may have posted since your last statement. Payment for the increase must be made by the payment deadline as referenced under Financial Policies. If the deadline has already passed, you should make payment immediately or risk cancellation of your schedule. To make payment arrangements or to request financial aid, please e-mail andersoncentral@andersonuniversity.edu or finaid@andersonuniversity.edu or call (864) 231-2070, or 1-800-542-3594.

Check Cashing Policies

We recommend that students have a bank account with an ATM card to meet their banking and cash needs. There are several banks in the Anderson area that offer student bank accounts. Additionally, there is an ATM machine located on campus. In Anderson Central, personal checks may be cashed up to $100 per week. Third party checks cannot be cashed by Anderson University. A student ID is required for all check cashing transactions.

Payment Plans

To help you meet your educational expenses, Anderson University is pleased to offer Tuition Management System (TMS) as a convenient online payment plan service provider. Students who choose to use TMS may select installment plans that are spread over several months. This is not a loan program. There are no interest or finance charges assessed, and there is no credit check. The cost to budget your interest-free monthly payment plan is $40 per semester. This is a nonrefundable TMS enrollment fee. Payment plan brochures are available in Anderson Central or more information may be found by selecting the Payment Plan Enrollment link at www.andersonuniversity.edu. Appointments may be scheduled in Anderson Central to review payment plan contract amounts.


Refunds will begin to be issued after the date of financial responsibility, providing that all funds have been received from all agencies (i.e. state, federal, loan lenders, etc). Each student should submit a Title IV Authorization Form to Anderson Central to state if funds are to remain on the student account for the following term or semester.

Anderson University has partnered with Tuition Management Systems (TMS) to help facilitate our refund processes. Students may choose from 2 new refund options. The reloadable Anderson University Visa® Prepaid Card gives students the fastest access to their money once it is disbursed. The direct deposit option (ACH) allows students to receive funds within about 2-3 days after their refund is approved!

Students are not required to use the Prepaid Card for disbursements and can make another selection.

AU students will receive an email from andersonuniversityRefunds@afford.com* that will require their action. Students will need to follow the links and simply select the refund method that most appeals to them:

  • Reloadable Anderson University Visa® Prepaid Card**
  • ACH

Making this selection does NOT mean that the student will have a refund. However, even if they don’t anticipate a credit balance they should still choose a refund option. Students may still choose to receive the reloadable and AU branded Prepaid Visa card regardless of if they receive a refund from AU and use it for everyday purchases anywhere Visa is accepted! There is a landing page with all of the AU refund details online at https://andersonuniversity.afford.com/Refunds. This page can also be accessed from the Anderson Central section of the AU website.

* Anderson University’s refund program is administered by Tuition Management Systems (TMS). For questions about getting registered students may also call TMS at 888-373-7905 FREE.

**This card is issued by MetaBank™ pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc.

Book Charges

Students will only be eligible to charge books to their student account when the amount of financial aid exceeds billed expenses and creates a credit balance. Any of this credit balance may be used to go towards the cost of books and supplies if you wish to charge those to your student account.

In order to have your account set up in advance in the bookstore you must first complete a Financial Aid Authorization Form either online or by coming to Anderson Central. Eligibility requirements and other details can be found on the Financial Aid Authorization Form located on the Anderson Central/Download Forms/Financial Aid Services section of the Anderson University website.

Students who meet all of the requirements outlined on the authorization form will need to accept the terms and conditions by completing the form will have their account reviewed for eligibility and set up with the bookstore to charge books if approved. Please allow up to 3 business days for your authorization to be reviewed and set up with the bookstore.