Feb 15, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Anderson University is a selective university that attempts to select those students who show promise of being academically successful and who are a good match for Anderson University’s academic, social and spiritual environment. The university seeks to enroll an academically talented, well-rounded entering class comprised of students with a wide variety of attributes, accomplishments, backgrounds and interests.

Anderson University accepts students on the basis of academic qualifications, character, and evidence of the potential to benefit from the University’s unique educational and campus life experience. The University welcomes qualified applicants without regard to race, religious creed, national origin, sex, age, disability, or ethnicity.;

Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit the campus and to talk with an Admission Counselor. The Admission Office will make arrangements for campus visits between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For information or application materials, please contact:

Office of Admission
Anderson University
316 Boulevard
Anderson, SC 29621
864-328-1835 or 1-800-542-3594

You may also visit our website at www.andersonuniversity.edu

Types of Admission

Regular Admission

Each applicant’s record is examined for evidence reflecting potential for intellectual and social growth, strength of character, and seriousness of purpose. These qualities are evaluated by considering each applicant’s academic record, including: graduation from a high school or submission of proof of having passed a high school equivalency test, high school grade-point average, the curriculum taken in high school as it relates to the applicant’s further educational or career objectives, scores on the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT) or the American College Testing Program (ACT), and optional references. In addition to these considerations, the University may choose to examine further any applicant by the use of psychological, achievement or aptitude tests, and a personal interview.

Foundational Admission

Depending on individual circumstances, the University may admit a limited number of applicants who do not meet regular admission standards. Foundationally admitted students will be reviewed for appropriate placement in math and English. If indicated by testing, the student may take preparatory courses which do not count toward the degree but prepare the student for further coursework. Foundationally students also take a specialized first year experience course in the fall semester and participate in additional academic support activities in spring semester. Course loads are restricted during the first academic year.

General Application Procedures

Applicants who are United States citizens, and who are applying for admission to college
as full or part-time degree seeking or non-degree seeking students must provide the Admission Office with the following:

  1. A completed Application for Admission form. This form can be obtained from the Admission Office or found on our website at www.andersonuniversity.edu.
  2. A high school transcript of all work completed or in progress. The applicant is responsible for requesting that a final high school transcript be sent to the Admission Office. All transcripts must be official ones bearing the official seal of the institution and/or the signature of the appropriate officer of the school. Proof of successful completion of a high school equivalency program such as the General Educational Development (GED) Testing Program may be submitted in lieu of a high school transcript. A score of 2500 is required for consideration.
  3. The official scores earned on the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT) or the American College Testing Program (ACT). Information regarding these testing programs is usually available through the high school guidance office or can be found on these websites - www.collegeboard.com or www.act.org.;
  4. A non-refundable processing fee of $25.00.

Applicants who are 25 years of age or older and who have no previous college experience must submit all of the items listed above, except for SAT or ACT scores, and may be asked to demonstrate acceptable skills in English and writing on a College Placement Exam. Transfer students must submit official transcripts of all previous college work attempted. Transfer Students. Anderson University accepts transfer credits from regionally accredited

Special Procedures for Admission

Transfer Students. Anderson University accepts transfer credits from regionally accredited institutions. Applicants wishing to transfer to Anderson University from another college must submit all items required in the admission procedures listed above, with the following exception: If the transfer applicant has earned 24 or more semester hours of transferrable credit at another institution, the high school transcript and SAT or ACT scores need not be submitted. Transfer applicants must submit official transcripts of all previous college work attempted and must be eligible to return to the college in which they were last enrolled. The college transcript(s) will be evaluated by the Registrar at the time the applicant is accepted for admission. The applicant will be notified when the evaluations are complete, and the applicant will be directed to make an appointment with the College Dean of their chosen major. Transfer students who leave their former school on academic probation will enter Anderson University on academic probation if admitted. Students who are academically suspended from another college will not be considered for admission to Anderson University during the period of their suspension. Additional information regarding transferring to Anderson University is available in the “Academic Policies” section of this catalog.

International Students. In addition to the items listed under General Application Procedures, international students are required to submit the official report of the score earned on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) if English is not their first language. SAT or ACT scores should be submitted if they are available. The minimum acceptable TOEFL score (non-computerized) at Anderson University is 550. The minimum acceptable computerized score is 220. The minimum acceptable internet based score is 75. International students must submit all required application for admission materials 60 days prior to the start of their intended term of enrollment. International students must also provide verification of their ability to pay for room, board, tuition and fees before immigration forms will be issued by the University. They are also responsible for making their own housing arrangements during times when the University is closed for holidays and during certain times during the summer. Following admission to the University, international students are required to submit a $250 Enrollment Confirmation Fee/Housing Deposit and all necessary documentation for issuance of their student visa.

Former Students. Students who have previously attended Anderson University should submit an Application for Admission. Former students will return under the provisions of the university catalog which is in effect at the time of their readmission.

Transient Students. Applicants who have been attending or are currently attending another college or university and desire to enroll in a course or courses at Anderson University must submit the Application for Admission available from the Admission Office or online, and a statement from the appropriate official at the institution they are attending, indicating that they have approval to take one or more courses at Anderson University.

Concurrent/Dual Enrollment Students. Any high school student who has completed the tenth or the eleventh grade but who is not yet a high school graduate may apply to take courses for college credit during the regular or summer terms. Applicants must submit an Application for Admission online, a transcript of all high school work completed or in progress, a statement of approval from the high school principal or guidance counselor, and SAT or ACT scores. Course offerings are limited, and students are only permitted to enroll in two courses per semester unless special approval is granted.

Summer School Students. Students in any of the above categories may apply for admission to one or more summer terms at Anderson University by submitting an Application for; Admission online.

Auditors. Persons desiring to audit classes may do so with the approval of the Registrar and the instructor in the course. The University reserves the right to refuse to allow an individual to register as an auditor in courses in which the predominant mode of instruction makes them inappropriate courses for auditors. Auditors are “listeners” in the class. They do not take examinations and do not receive credit. They may participate in class discussion with the approval of the instructor. The fee for auditing a course is one-half the normal tuition for the course and any special fees that may be required for registering that course.

Notification to Applicants

Upon completion of the application file, the application will be reviewed and the applicant notified of the decision. Applicants approved for admission will be sent an Enrollment Confirmation form which the applicant should complete and return immediately with an Enrollment Confirmation fee of $250.00. For students not living on campus, this fee will be reflected as a credit on the student account at the time of financial registration. For students living on campus, this will serve as a Housing Deposit and will remain on account as a security deposit. Refund policies are outlined on the Enrollment Confirmation form. Commuting and students planning to reside on-campus are both required to submit the Enrollment Confirmation fee and form to secure their place within the entering class. Early response is important to be assured of being assigned a room in a University residence hall and securing a course schedule. All students must also submit a completed health form.

Continuation of Enrollment

Once admitted to the University, a student is assured of the privilege of enrolling for successive terms, provided he/she maintains satisfactory academic, social, and financial standing. There is no limit to the number of terms of enrollment for part-time students who maintain sufficiently high grades to avoid academic probation or suspension. Students who have been academically suspended, who have served their period of suspension, and who have not exceeded the number of terms of full-time enrollment allowed, may apply for readmission by following the procedures prescribed above for former students.