Feb 08, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Adult Studies Program for Working Adults

Adult Studies Administrative Staff

Dr. Carol Archuleta, Dean, School of Nursing
Dr. Mark Butler, Dean, College of Education
Dr. Wayne Cox, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Michael Duduit, Dean, College of Christian Studies
Mr. Steve Nail, Dean, College of Business
Dr. Don Peace, Dean, College of Health Professions
Dr. Damon Camp, Interim Dean, School of Public Service & Administration

Adult Studies Program for Working Adults

Adult Studies program is designed for non-traditional students. A non-traditional student is one having a minimum of 5 years’ of life experiences beyond high-school, working full-time, and financially independent. Applicants, who do not meet the criteria of a non-traditional student, may be considered for admission after completing the Special Circumstances procedure.

The program also is specifically designed for mid-career adults who wish to advance their careers by earning a bachelor’s degree. Many degree programs are available in Adult Studies, including the following:

College of Arts and Sciences

Liberal Studies - Adult Studies, B.L.S.  

College of Business:

Business Administration - Adult Studies, B.B.A.  
Business Administration: Accounting - Adult Studies, B.B.A.  
Business Administration: Supply Chain Management - Adult Studies, B.B.A.  
Organizational Leadership - Adult Studies, B.O.L.  
Organizational Leadership: Human Resource Administration - Adult Studies, B.O.L.  

College of Christian Studies:

Christian Studies - Adult Studies, B.C.S.  

College of Education:

Elementary Education - Adult Studies, B.S.  
Elementary Education with add-on certification in Early Childhood Education - Adult Studies, B.S.  

College of Health Professions

School of Allied Health

Human Services - Adult Studies, B.H.S.  
Human Services: Behavioral Health - Adult Studies, B.H.S.  
Human Services: Gerontology - Adult Studies, B.H.S.  
Human Services: Healthcare and Human Services Management - Adult Studies, B.H.S.  

School of Nursing

Nursing (Accelerated), B.S.N.  
Nursing (RN to BSN), B.S.N.  

School of Public Service & Administration

Criminal Justice - Adult Studies, B.A.  
Homeland Security and Emergency Services - Adult Studies, B.A.  
Homeland Security and Emergency Services: Emergency Services Management - Adult Studies, B.A.  

Admission to Adult Studies Program

Given the accelerated nature of the program, a candidate for admission to the Adult Studies program must meet the following criteria , however, requirements may vary for specific academic programs (see the Academic Program in which you are interested for other requirements): (1) Hold a high school diploma or proof of successful completion of a high school equivalency program, such as the General Educational Development (GED) testing program may be submitted in lieu of high school transcripts. A GED score of 2500 is required for consideration; (2) Have completed three years of full or part-time employment since completion of their high school diploma or GED; completion of their high school diploma or GED; (3) Complete the Adult Studies Application for Admission. This can be obtained at www.andersonuniversity.edu; (4) Submit the non-refundable application processing fee of $25.00; (5) Students who have completed prior college coursework are required to submit official transcripts from any regionally accredited college/university coursework previously attempted. Applicants must be eligible to return to the college in which they were last enrolled. Students who are academically suspended from another college will not be considered for admission to Anderson University during the period of suspension; (6) Students who have not completed the equivalent of ENG 101 - Composition and Communication I  with a grade of “C” or higher will be required to complete and pass a writing skills assessment; (7) Take a math placement test, unless one has successfully completed all math courses required in one’s program of study. The math placement test results are used to recommend appropriate math course(s) that may be needed. Those whose applicable math credit is over five years old may need to take the math placemente st; (8) International students and students for whom English is not their first language will be required to submit official results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), with scores of at least 550 (paper), 220 (computer), or 75 (internet).

Traditional Students taking Adult Studies Courses

Given the mission and design of the Adult Studies program, students who do not meet the criteria of a non-traditional student are restricted from enrolling in Adult Studies classes, and are unable to register themselves for Adult Studies courses.

Traditional students requiring additional courses or who hope to improve their GPA are directed to use the summer school sessions, not Adult Studies courses. Rare enrollment exceptions for upper class traditional students may be made due to class scheduling conflict that would have a negative impact on progress towards graduation. Traditional upper class students seeking to enroll in an Adult Studies course must request a Registration Exception with the dean of the college that has supervision of the class.

Contractual Admission Requirements

Students who have less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on previous college courses or who have earned a score less than 2500 on the GED may be admitted conditionally based on the support of the school/college dean. Students granted conditional admission to the Adult Studies Program will be required to sign an agreement stating that a GPA of at least 2.0 must be earned within the first two Adult Studies terms of enrollment to remain in the Adult Studies Program. Thereafter, students will come under the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy listed in the Anderson University catalog.

Financing your Education in the Adult Studies programs

Anderson University offers a tuition discount for all Adult Studies students, which makes them ineligible for Institutional Scholarships through Anderson University. However, Adult Studies students do qualify for financial aid through federal and state funding. To apply for Federal and State Aid, students should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on or before the priority deadline of May 1. For a complete listing of federal and state aid, please visit our website at www.andersonuniversity.edu. Accelerated students are not awarded financial aid until they have been accepted into the Adult Studies program and have pre-registered for their classes. Outside scholarships are an excellent resource that can be used to further subsidize your education. The Internet is a good tool to use to search for scholarships. Some of the more popular websites are listed on our web page.

Adding/Dropping Adult Studies Courses

Adult Studies students may add/drop courses by midnight on the fourth day after the beginning of the term. Students must use Self Service during this time to add and drop courses. Courses dropped during this period do not appear on the student record, and the student is not charged for the class. Self Service closes once the add period ends and students must then complete a Course Withdrawal form to drop a course. Tuition charges are not assessed if all courses are dropped by midnight on the fourth day after the beginning of the term. Financial responsibility includes, but is not limited to: tuition, book charges, fees, and fines

Withdrawal from Adult Studies Courses (Seated and Online)

Important: Please note that any changes in enrollment which occur during the add/drop and course withdrawal periods may result in revisions to your financial aid and/ or billing for the term. You should contact the Office of Financial Aid Planning to determine the impact of such changes on your financial aid and/or billing prior to adding/dropping or withdrawing from courses.

Students may withdraw from an Adult Studies course by midnight on the fourth day after the beginning of the term without the course appearing on their transcript. After the fourth day, students are financially responsible and will receive a grade. Students will receive a grade of “W” in any course dropped after financial responsibility begins. A $10.00 withdrawal fee, payable online or at Anderson Central, applies per term when withdrawing from classes after the date of financial responsibility. In order to process a course withdrawal, the student must submit a completed Course Withdrawal Form along with proof of payment to the Registrar’s Office. Students may withdraw from any course up until the published last date to withdraw. Students should refer to the Adult Studies Academic Calendar for the exact drop and withdrawal dates for the respective term.

“Attendance” in an online class is as important as a seated class. Students should maintain regular participation by logging into the course at least 2 times during the week. Students who fail to maintain regular attendance and complete course assignments will be subject to an administrative withdrawal and a grade of WF.

Students in all programs - traditional, Accelerated and graduate, should refer to posted information each term and/or semester for specific withdrawal dates. Any course in which a grade of “W” is received is subject to tuition charges. Students should refer to the Financial Aid section of the catalog for specific information pertaining to charges for withdrawn courses. If a student exceeds the number of absences allowed in the course after the deadline for withdrawing from courses, the student will receive the grade of WF for the course.

Online Adult Studies Courses

To increase convenience and flexibility for adult students, Anderson University offers selected online courses from the Anderson University curriculum. The online offerings that support Adult Studies degree programs have expanded so that some of these programs will offer most, if not all, of the required courses in the online format. Detailed information on Adult Studies programs and course offerings is available at “AU Online”.

Attendance: Online “attendance” requirements differ from seated requirements due to the unique nature and compressed time frames of online learning. Online courses are designed as outcome-based not attendance-based courses. The emphasis falls on fulfilling the course learning objectives, not the amount of time it takes to complete the course. Students are expected to complete all assignments in accordance with the due dates and instructions published in the course syllabus. The course instructor will designate in the syllabus any online or seated events (e.g. Final Exam) for which attendance is required. Appeals regarding attendance will follow the same procedure as grade appeals.

Incomplete Grades: Requests for the grade of Incomplete (I) will follow the same procedures and policies as onsite courses which can be found in the Academic Policies section of the Academic Catalog.

Textbooks: Students are responsible for procuring the correct textbook(s) for an online course. The textbook(s) will be available through the AU Bookstore at 864-231-2010 or through the AU website. From the website, select “Bookstore” in the drop-down tab labeled “Students”. Students who purchase course textbooks elsewhere do so at their own risk. Online professors will not work from multiple editions.

Adult Studies Academic Calendar 2017-2018

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