Feb 18, 2025
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Human Resource Management, Minor
College of Business Mission Statement
The College of Business develops future business leaders with the Christian virtues of character, servant leadership, and cultural engagement. These leaders will positively impact their business organizations and the community at large.
Course Requirements (18 credit hrs.)
Required Courses (12 Cr. Hrs.)
Minor Electives (6 Cr. Hrs.)
HRM Minor for Management Majors
*Note you may only apply 6 Cr Hrs. from your minor to your major. BUS 251 and MGT 343 will be the 6 Cr. Hrs. applied to your major. All additional courses within your HRM minor must count for General Electives within your Management Major. Required Courses (12 Cr. Hrs.)
Minor Electives (6 Cr. Hrs.)